Saturday, 16 May 2009

Opening Bumper for "My Life"

An Opening bumper for a television program called "My Life"

Monday, 4 May 2009

Opening Bumper for "Foodcourt"

An Opening bumper for a television program called "Foodcourt"

Opening Bumper for "Cinta Perlu Diuji"

An Opening bumper for a television program called "Cinta Perlu Diuji"

Opening Bumper for "BREAX"

An opening bumper for a television program called "BREAX"

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Doger Monyet

This is an old project that we have been working on our spare time. Had a great time working on it. Beautiful scene, cute characters and most of all a great touching story written by Erick Sulaiman. The character was developed by Ruben Adriano, Bastian, and Anton Dharmawirja. The background developed by Daryl Wilson (sketch), Asep Suryana (coloring), and I Nyoman Natanael (cleanup). Hope we can finish it soon.

Friday, 1 May 2009

Animation "The Letter X"

A short animation for a television educational program

Animation "The Letter X"

A short animation for a television educational program.

Animation "Will it fly?"

A short animation for a television educational program.

Animation "My Imaginary paper"

A short animation for a television educational program.

Animation "Gatot Kata and The Letter A"

A short animation for a television educational program.

Animation "Click n Drag"

A short animation for a educational television program

Animation "Top Ice" Commercial

A commercial for children's instant drink product

Animation "Teh Sisri" Commercial

Another commercial project for a children's intant drink product. Our client use the "Lebaran"-moment as the theme for the setting.

Animation "Kodok Lompat" Commercial

Another new toys!! Another new commercial!! We asked to use the same characters from the last commercial so the audience can connect with the product.

Animation "Kutu Loncat" Commercial

A TV commercial for our client to promote their new prize toy inside their product. They asked us to develop characters for the commercial so it can be their product identity. We came up with 5 kids with different.